Download OpenAPI specification:
The API of ready2order uses tokens for authentication.
These tokens have to be set in the Authorization
header of your request. (Please note the correct spelling of Authorization
in your request header!)
This token identifies the developer who is using the API. With that token you can request permissions to existing ready2order accounts. To start, please go to, sign up as a developer and follow the instruction in the email. Your Developer-Token will be included in that email!
This token identifies the request of developer who wants to use the API. With that token you can request permissions to existing ready2order accounts.
The Account-Token is the key to access account data like products, product groups, customers and more. To interact with data of ready2order accounts you must use this token!
Initially you have to request a unique Developer Token for your application at Therefore, call the following URL with the following request data. You don’t need to set the Authorization header by now, as you don’t have your token yet.
With your Developer token you can request Grant-Access-Token.
Call POST /v1/developerToken/grantAccessToken
endpoint to request that. You can specify the callbackUri
in this step (see detailed description below).
In the response you will get the grantAccessToken
but also the full URI (field grantAccessUri
) you can use for approving the access.
Call the grantAccessUri
and login with the credentials of an existing ready2order account. After login, the user will see a confirmation box to grant your application access.
If it is specified we will redirect to callbackUri
specified in previous step after the Grant-Access-Token is approved or denied by the Account.
Example of callbackUri:
We will then redirect to:|denied
Grant-Access-Token has expiration set! You have 10 minutes to get this token approved by the Account. Otherwise you would need to create new one!
You can make up to 60 requests per minute per Account-Token. If you exceed the rate limit you will see the following response.
'msg':'You have reached the rate limit of 60 requests per minute. You were blocked for at least 1 minutes! Try again later!'
is triggered whenever a new product is createdproduct.updated
is triggered whenever an existing product is updatedproduct.deleted
is triggered whenever an existing product is deletedproductGroup.created
is triggered whenever a new product group is createdproductGroup.updated
is triggered whenever an existing product group is updatedproductGroup.deleted
is triggered whenever an existing product group is deletedinvoice.created
is triggered whenever a new receipt (bill, invoice, payment-receipt, ...) is createdorderItem.created
is triggered whenever a gastro-order is booked on a tablecreated
and updated
events we send the full objects to your webhook URL in the resource
array, so you don't need to ask our API again.__deleted
events we provide you the IDs which has been deleted__Webhook
You have to subscribe for events for which you want to be notified. Please see the list of available events above.{- "company_id": 1,
- "company_branch": 1,
- "company_username": "Franz123",
- "company_accountNumber": "123456a",
- "company_name": "ABC GmbH",
- "company_business": "ABC GmbH",
- "company_firstName": "Franz",
- "company_lastName": "Klein",
- "company_vatId": "1",
- "company_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17/4",
- "company_city": "Wien",
- "company_zip": "1030",
- "company_phone": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_businessPhoneNumber": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_referrer": "cde",
- "company_failedLoginAttempts": 1,
- "company_trainingsMode": false,
- "company_liveMode": false,
- "company_liveModeStartedAt": "2019-01-01",
- "language_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "country_id": "1",
- "company_partnerData": "xxx"
Update Account
company_businessCountry | integer business country id |
company_legalForm | integer legal form id |
company_name | string company name |
company_email | string company email |
company_username | string user name |
company_street | string street |
company_businessStreet | string business street |
company_city | string city |
company_businessCity | string business city |
company_zip | string zip |
company_businessZip | string business zip |
company_phone | string |
company_businessPhoneNumber | string |
company_website | string company website |
company_businessRegistrationNumber | string business registration number |
company_globalLocationNumber | string business GLN number |
company_disableVatReason | integer business disable VAT reason id |
company_taxOffice | integer business tax office number |
company_taxIdentificationNumber | string business tax identification mumber |
language_id | integer language id |
currency_id | integer currency id |
company_requireBillingMethodBeforeLiveMode | boolean is required to have billing method before live mode started? |
company_partnerData | string partner data |
company_businessDateOfBirth | string company date of birth |
syncToSalesforce | boolean |
company_accountNumber | string account number |
{- "company_businessCountry": 1,
- "company_legalForm": 1,
- "company_name": "ABC GmbH",
- "company_username": "Franz123",
- "company_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17/4",
- "company_businessStreet": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17",
- "company_city": "Wien",
- "company_businessCity": "Wien",
- "company_zip": "1030",
- "company_businessZip": "1030",
- "company_phone": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_businessPhoneNumber": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_businessRegistrationNumber": "1234567890123",
- "company_globalLocationNumber": "1234567890123",
- "company_disableVatReason": 1,
- "company_taxOffice": 39,
- "company_taxIdentificationNumber": "125705103",
- "language_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "company_requireBillingMethodBeforeLiveMode": false,
- "company_partnerData": "xxx",
- "company_businessDateOfBirth": "yyyy-mm-dd",
- "syncToSalesforce": false,
- "company_accountNumber": "123456a"
{- "company_id": 1,
- "company_branch": 1,
- "company_username": "Franz123",
- "company_accountNumber": "123456a",
- "company_name": "ABC GmbH",
- "company_business": "ABC GmbH",
- "company_firstName": "Franz",
- "company_lastName": "Klein",
- "company_vatId": "1",
- "company_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17/4",
- "company_city": "Wien",
- "company_zip": "1030",
- "company_phone": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_businessPhoneNumber": "+43 6 123 456 789",
- "company_referrer": "cde",
- "company_failedLoginAttempts": 1,
- "company_trainingsMode": false,
- "company_liveMode": false,
- "company_liveModeStartedAt": "2019-01-01",
- "language_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "country_id": "1",
- "company_partnerData": "xxx"
Get all Accounting Financial Years
[- {
- "accountingFinancialYear_id": 1,
- "accountingFinancialYear_number": 477415141,
- "accountingFinancialYear_active": false,
- "accountingFinancialYear_trunkYear": false
Get Accounting Financial Year by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "accountingFinancialYear_id": 1,
- "accountingFinancialYear_number": 477415141,
- "accountingFinancialYear_active": false,
- "accountingFinancialYear_trunkYear": false
Get all Bills
offset | integer Offset (Default: 0) |
limit | integer Items per page (Default: 25) |
query | string Search query (For example: RG2018/1) |
tableId | integer Table-Id which should be filtered (For example: 1234) |
customerId | integer Customer-Id which should be filtered (For example: 1234) |
dateField | string Date field you want to query (Possible values: dr_startDate or b_dateTime) |
dateFrom | string Date from (For example: 2019-01-01) |
dateTo | string Date to (For example: 2019-12-31 |
testMode | boolean Trainingmode on/off |
items | boolean Include list of items (Default: false) |
discounts | boolean Include list of discounts (Default: false) |
payments | boolean Include list of payments (Default: false) |
payment | boolean [DEPRECATED] Include list of payments. Please use 'payments' instead (Default: false) |
{- "invoices": [
- {
- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "invoice_reference_id": 1233,
- "invoice_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_number": 1,
- "invoice_numberFull": "RG2019/1",
- "invoice_total": "string",
- "invoice_totalNet": "string",
- "invoice_totalVat": "string",
- "invoice_totalTip": "string",
- "invoice_address_company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "invoice_address_vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "invoice_address_salutation": "Mr/Ms",
- "invoice_address_title": "Professor",
- "invoice_address_firstName": "Chris",
- "invoice_address_lastName": "Fox",
- "invoice_address_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17",
- "invoice_address_city": "Vienna",
- "invoice_address_zip": "1030",
- "invoice_address_country": "AT",
- "invoice_address_phone": "+43 664 1234 1234 1234",
- "invoice_inPrinterQueue": true,
- "invoice_priceBase": "brutto",
- "invoice_deleted_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_deletedReason": "Some reason",
- "invoice_textBeforeItemsTable": "Some text",
- "invoice_text": "Some text",
- "invoice_locked": true,
- "invoice_externalReferenceNumber": "REF-1234",
- "invoice_internalInvoiceReferenceNumber": "1233",
- "invoice_dueDate": "2019-01-05",
- "invoice_deliveryDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_paid": true,
- "invoice_paidDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_testMode": true,
- "invoice_formatVersion": 2,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1023,
- "table_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_id": 67,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "printer_id": 23,
- "billType_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "id": "TFRG4C6NG2",
- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS",
- "items": [
- {
- "item_id": 76234,
- "item_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_quantity": "string",
- "item_retour": false,
- "item_number": "1",
- "item_serialNumber": "some-serial-number",
- "item_expirationDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_name": "MyProductName",
- "item_comment": "my-optional-comment",
- "item_price": "string",
- "item_priceNet": "string",
- "item_priceBase": false,
- "item_total": "string",
- "item_totalNet": "string",
- "item_vat": "string",
- "item_vatRate": "string",
- "item_vatCompensation": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeLineDiscount": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeInvoiceDiscount": "string",
- "item_lineDiscountId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountGroupId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountName": "SomeDiscountName",
- "item_lineDiscountPercent": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_discountable": true,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "item_updatedStock": true,
- "product_id": 1234,
- "productgroup_name": "My product group",
- "productGroup_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_name": "SomeUser",
- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "deliveryBill_id": 1234,
- "dailyReport_id": 1234,
- "productUnit_id": 1,
- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "SomeTableName",
- "payment_id": 431,
- "retourInvoice_id": 1233,
- "item_accountingCode": "4000",
- "item_testMode": false,
- "item_product_price": "string",
- "item_product_priceNet": "string",
- "item_product_vat": "string",
- "item_qty": "string",
- "item_product_vatRate": "string",
- "item_product_vatCompensation": "string",
- "item_product_priceNetPerUnit": "string",
- "item_product_pricePerUnit": "string",
- "item_product_discountable": true
], - "address": {
- "company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "salutation": "Mr/Ms",
- "title": "Professor",
- "firstName": "Chris",
- "lastName": "Muster",
- "street": "SomeStreet 1234",
- "city": "Vienna",
- "zip": "1030",
- "country": "AT",
- "phone": "+43 1234 12312341234"
}, - "type": {
- "billType_id": 1,
- "billType_name": "Rechnung",
- "billType_symbol": "RG"
}, - "payment": [
- {
- "billPayment_id": 9999,
- "billPayment_name": "Cash",
- "billPayment_value": "12",
- "payment_id": 431,
- "referenced_bill_id": 1234
], - "transaction": {
- "id": "TFRG4C6NG2",
- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS"
}, - "discounts": [
- {
- "billDiscount_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_name": "SomeDiscountName",
- "billDiscount_value": "0.00",
- "billDiscount_percent": "0.00",
- "billDiscount_discount_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_discountGroup_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_created_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "billDiscount_updated_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
], - "count": 50,
- "offset": 0,
- "limit": 50,
- "dateFrom": "2019-01-01",
- "dateTo": "2019-12-31",
- "query": "some-query"
Create Invoice
paymentMethod_id | integer PaymentMethod ID |
user_id | integer User ID |
billType_id | integer BillType ID |
printer_id | integer Printer ID on which the bill should be printed |
printingProfile_id | integer PrintingProfile ID on which the bill should be printed. |
invoice_inPrinterQueue | integer Decide how many copies should be printed (1 is original receipt) |
invoice_textBeforeItemsTable | string Text shown before items table on bill PDF |
invoice_text | string Text shown after items table on bill PDF |
invoice_externalReferenceNumber | string External reference number for the bill |
invoice_priceBase | string Pricebase |
invoice_testMode | boolean Trainingmode |
createPDF | boolean Whether to create and return PDF or not |
pdfFormat | string PDF format |
invoice_showRecipient | boolean Show additional lines on invoice receipt |
invoice_paid | boolean Wether invoice should be marked as paid or not |
invoice_dueDate | string Due date |
invoice_paidDate | string Paid date |
Array of objects List of items | |
Array of objects Address object |
{- "paymentMethod_id": 123456,
- "user_id": 123456,
- "billType_id": 1,
- "printer_id": 1,
- "printingProfile_id": 1,
- "invoice_inPrinterQueue": 1,
- "invoice_textBeforeItemsTable": "Some text",
- "invoice_text": "Some text",
- "invoice_externalReferenceNumber": "REF-1234",
- "invoice_priceBase": "brutto",
- "invoice_testMode": false,
- "createPDF": false,
- "pdfFormat": "A4, 80mm or 58mm",
- "invoice_showRecipient": false,
- "invoice_paid": false,
- "invoice_dueDate": "2019-01-15",
- "invoice_paidDate": "2019-01-15",
- "items": [
- {
- "item_quantity": "1",
- "item_name": "MyProductName",
- "item_comment": "MyProductDescription",
- "item_price": "12",
- "item_vatRate": "20",
- "item_vatId": "12345",
- "item_priceBase": "brutto or netto",
- "product_id": "1234",
- "discount_id": "1234",
- "discount_value": "0.00",
- "discount_unit": "percent or currency"
], - "address": [
- {
- "company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "salutation": "Mr/Mrs",
- "title": "Professor",
- "firstName": "Chris",
- "lastName": "Muster",
- "street": "SomeStreet 1234",
- "city": "Vienna",
- "zip": "1030",
- "country": "AT",
- "phone": "+43 1234 12312341234"
{- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "invoice_reference_id": 1233,
- "invoice_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_number": 1,
- "invoice_numberFull": "RG2019/1",
- "invoice_total": "string",
- "invoice_totalNet": "string",
- "invoice_totalVat": "string",
- "invoice_totalTip": "string",
- "invoice_address_company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "invoice_address_vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "invoice_address_salutation": "Mr/Ms",
- "invoice_address_title": "Professor",
- "invoice_address_firstName": "Chris",
- "invoice_address_lastName": "Fox",
- "invoice_address_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17",
- "invoice_address_city": "Vienna",
- "invoice_address_zip": "1030",
- "invoice_address_country": "AT",
- "invoice_address_phone": "+43 664 1234 1234 1234",
- "invoice_inPrinterQueue": true,
- "invoice_priceBase": "brutto",
- "invoice_deleted_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_deletedReason": "Some reason",
- "invoice_textBeforeItemsTable": "Some text",
- "invoice_text": "Some text",
- "invoice_locked": true,
- "invoice_externalReferenceNumber": "REF-1234",
- "invoice_internalInvoiceReferenceNumber": "1233",
- "invoice_dueDate": "2019-01-05",
- "invoice_deliveryDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_paid": true,
- "invoice_paidDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_testMode": true,
- "invoice_formatVersion": 2,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1023,
- "table_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_id": 67,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "printer_id": 23,
- "billType_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "id": "TFRG4C6NG2",
- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS",
- "items": [
- {
- "item_id": 76234,
- "item_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_quantity": "string",
- "item_retour": false,
- "item_number": "1",
- "item_serialNumber": "some-serial-number",
- "item_expirationDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_name": "MyProductName",
- "item_comment": "my-optional-comment",
- "item_price": "string",
- "item_priceNet": "string",
- "item_priceBase": false,
- "item_total": "string",
- "item_totalNet": "string",
- "item_vat": "string",
- "item_vatRate": "string",
- "item_vatCompensation": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeLineDiscount": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeInvoiceDiscount": "string",
- "item_lineDiscountId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountGroupId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountName": "SomeDiscountName",
- "item_lineDiscountPercent": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_discountable": true,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "item_updatedStock": true,
- "product_id": 1234,
- "productgroup_name": "My product group",
- "productGroup_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_name": "SomeUser",
- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "deliveryBill_id": 1234,
- "dailyReport_id": 1234,
- "productUnit_id": 1,
- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "SomeTableName",
- "payment_id": 431,
- "retourInvoice_id": 1233,
- "item_accountingCode": "4000",
- "item_testMode": false,
- "item_product_price": "string",
- "item_product_priceNet": "string",
- "item_product_vat": "string",
- "item_qty": "string",
- "item_product_vatRate": "string",
- "item_product_vatCompensation": "string",
- "item_product_priceNetPerUnit": "string",
- "item_product_pricePerUnit": "string",
- "item_product_discountable": true
], - "address": {
- "company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "salutation": "Mr/Ms",
- "title": "Professor",
- "firstName": "Chris",
- "lastName": "Muster",
- "street": "SomeStreet 1234",
- "city": "Vienna",
- "zip": "1030",
- "country": "AT",
- "phone": "+43 1234 12312341234"
}, - "type": {
- "billType_id": 1,
- "billType_name": "Rechnung",
- "billType_symbol": "RG"
}, - "payment": [
- {
- "billPayment_id": 9999,
- "billPayment_name": "Cash",
- "billPayment_value": "12",
- "payment_id": 431,
- "referenced_bill_id": 1234
], - "transaction": {
- "id": "TFRG4C6NG2",
- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS"
}, - "discounts": [
- {
- "billDiscount_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_name": "SomeDiscountName",
- "billDiscount_value": "0.00",
- "billDiscount_percent": "0.00",
- "billDiscount_discount_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_discountGroup_id": 9999,
- "billDiscount_created_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "billDiscount_updated_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
Get Bill by Id
id required | integer Bill ID to find |
{- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "invoice_reference_id": 1233,
- "invoice_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_number": 1,
- "invoice_numberFull": "RG2019/1",
- "invoice_total": "string",
- "invoice_totalNet": "string",
- "invoice_totalVat": "string",
- "invoice_totalTip": "string",
- "invoice_address_company": "ready2order GmbH",
- "invoice_address_vatId": "ATU12341234",
- "invoice_address_salutation": "Mr/Ms",
- "invoice_address_title": "Professor",
- "invoice_address_firstName": "Chris",
- "invoice_address_lastName": "Fox",
- "invoice_address_street": "Hintere Zollamtsstraße 17",
- "invoice_address_city": "Vienna",
- "invoice_address_zip": "1030",
- "invoice_address_country": "AT",
- "invoice_address_phone": "+43 664 1234 1234 1234",
- "invoice_inPrinterQueue": true,
- "invoice_priceBase": "brutto",
- "invoice_deleted_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "invoice_deletedReason": "Some reason",
- "invoice_textBeforeItemsTable": "Some text",
- "invoice_text": "Some text",
- "invoice_locked": true,
- "invoice_externalReferenceNumber": "REF-1234",
- "invoice_internalInvoiceReferenceNumber": "1233",
- "invoice_dueDate": "2019-01-05",
- "invoice_deliveryDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_paid": true,
- "invoice_paidDate": "2019-01-01",
- "invoice_testMode": true,
- "invoice_formatVersion": 2,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1023,
- "table_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_id": 67,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "printer_id": 23,
- "billType_id": 1,
- "currency_id": 1,
- "id": "TFRG4C6NG2",
- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS",
- "items": [
- {
- "item_id": 76234,
- "item_timestamp": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_quantity": "string",
- "item_retour": false,
- "item_number": "1",
- "item_serialNumber": "some-serial-number",
- "item_expirationDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "item_name": "MyProductName",
- "item_comment": "my-optional-comment",
- "item_price": "string",
- "item_priceNet": "string",
- "item_priceBase": false,
- "item_total": "string",
- "item_totalNet": "string",
- "item_vat": "string",
- "item_vatRate": "string",
- "item_vatCompensation": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeLineDiscount": "string",
- "item_undiscountedSumBeforeInvoiceDiscount": "string",
- "item_lineDiscountId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountGroupId": 1234,
- "item_lineDiscountName": "SomeDiscountName",
- "item_lineDiscountPercent": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_lineDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountNet": "0.00",
- "item_invoiceDiscountGross": "0.00",
- "item_discountable": true,
- "paymentMethod_id": 1234,
- "item_updatedStock": true,
- "product_id": 1234,
- "productgroup_name": "My product group",
- "productGroup_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1234,
- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_name": "SomeUser",
- "invoice_id": 1234,
- "deliveryBill_id": 1234,
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Delete Bill by Id
id required | integer Bill ID to find |
storno_id | integer Storno ID |
storno_reason | string Some reason why bill was deleted |
invoice_externalReferenceNumber | string Some external reference number for that bill |
{- "storno_id": 9823,
- "storno_reason": "Correction",
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- "city": "Vienna",
- "zip": "1030",
- "country": "AT",
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- "payment_id": 431,
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- "r2o_id": "U1JGILYS"
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- "billDiscount_created_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
- "billDiscount_updated_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
id required | integer Bill ID to find |
printer_id | integer Printer ID where to print the bill |
{- "printer_id": 2394
{- "error": false,
- "msg": "Bill was added to printer queue"
id required | integer User ID to delete |
regeneratePDF | boolean Optionally regenerate an existing PDF |
format | string PDF Format |
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{- "error": false,
- "format": "A4"
Get all Coupons
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
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Create a new Coupon
coupon_name | string |
coupon_value | string |
couponCategory_id | string |
coupon_containsVat | string |
customer_id | integer |
coupon_type | string |
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Get Coupon by Id
id required | integer Coupon ID to find |
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- "coupon_containsVat": "string",
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Update Coupon by Id
id required | integer Coupon ID to update |
coupon_name | string |
coupon_value | string |
couponCategory_id | string |
coupon_containsVat | string |
customer_id | integer |
coupon_type | string |
coupon_purpose | string |
coupon_validUntil | string |
coupon_issuedAt | string |
coupon_testMode | boolean |
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Charge By Id
id required | integer Coupon ID to charge |
value | string Charge value |
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Redeem By Id
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Get all Coupon Categories
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limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "couponCategory_id": 123,
- "couponCategory_name": "my coupon category",
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Create a new Coupon Category
couponCategory_name | string |
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{- "couponCategory_id": 123,
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- "couponCategory_description": "my great coupon category"
Get Coupon Category by Id
id required | integer Coupon Category ID to find |
{- "couponCategory_id": 123,
- "couponCategory_name": "my coupon category",
- "couponCategory_description": "my great coupon category"
Update Coupon Category by Id
id required | integer Coupon Category ID to update |
couponCategory_name | string |
couponCategory_description | string |
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- "couponCategory_description": "string"
{- "couponCategory_id": 123,
- "couponCategory_name": "my coupon category",
- "couponCategory_description": "my great coupon category"
Get all Customers
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
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- "phone": "+43 664 12345678",
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- "customerCategory_id": 9999,
- "customer_birthday": "1991-09-20"
Create a new Customer
customerCategory_id | integer |
birthday | string |
city | string |
company | string |
string | |
firstName | string |
lastName | string |
customer_name | string |
notes | string |
customer_number | integer |
phone | string |
salutation | string |
street | string |
title | string |
uid | string |
zip | string |
fk_cou_id | integer |
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- "city": "Wien",
- "company": "Maxi Gmbh",
- "firstName": "Max",
- "lastName": "Muster",
- "customer_name": "no-example",
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- "salutation": "Herr",
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- "fk_cou_id": 1
{- "customer_id": 9999,
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- "phone": "+43 664 12345678",
- "customer_notes": "Some custom notes",
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- "customer_birthday": "1991-09-20"
Get Customer by Id
id required | integer Customer ID to find |
{- "customer_id": 9999,
- "customer_number": 9999,
- "customer_name": "Maxi's custom name",
- "vatId": "ATU1234567",
- "customer_company": "Maxi Gmbh",
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- "phone": "+43 664 12345678",
- "customer_notes": "Some custom notes",
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- "customer_birthday": "1991-09-20"
Update Customer by Id
id required | integer Customer ID to update |
customerCategory_id | integer |
birthday | string |
city | string |
company | string |
string | |
firstName | string |
lastName | string |
customer_name | string |
notes | string |
customer_number | integer |
phone | string |
salutation | string |
street | string |
title | string |
uid | string |
zip | string |
fk_cou_id | integer |
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- "city": "Wien",
- "company": "Maxi Gmbh",
- "firstName": "Max",
- "lastName": "Muster",
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- "notes": "Some custom notes",
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{- "customer_id": 9999,
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- "phone": "+43 664 12345678",
- "customer_notes": "Some custom notes",
- "customerCategory_id": 9999,
- "customer_birthday": "1991-09-20"
Merge Customers
masterCustomer | integer Customer into which the list of customerIds should be merged into. |
customerIds | Array of any List of customers which shall be merged into masterCustomer. |
{- "masterCustomer": 5924,
- "customerIds": [
- null
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "msg": "Merged successfully!"
Create Customer Group
customerCategory_name | string |
customerCategory_description | string |
{- "customerCategory_name": "string",
- "customerCategory_description": "string"
{- "customerCategory_id": 123,
- "customerCategory_name": "a customer group",
- "customerCategory_description": "a customer group description"
Get Customer Group By Id
id required | integer Customer Group ID to find |
{- "customerCategory_id": 123,
- "customerCategory_name": "a customer group",
- "customerCategory_description": "a customer group description"
Update Customer Group
id required | integer Customer Group ID to update |
customerCategory_name | string |
customerCategory_description | string |
{- "customerCategory_name": "string",
- "customerCategory_description": "string"
{- "customerCategory_id": 123,
- "customerCategory_name": "a customer group",
- "customerCategory_description": "a customer group description"
Create Grant Access Token
authorizationCallbackUri | string The callback to which the merchant will be redirected if access will be granted. |
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "expiresAt": "1641546585",
- "grantAccessToken": "abcdef_token (JWT token)",
- "status": "pending"
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- "discount_created_at": "2018-12-20 11:00:00",
- "discount_updated_at": "2018-12-20 11:15:00"
Create a new Discount
discount_name | string the name of the discount |
discountGroup_id | integer The id of the discount group |
discount_unit | string the unit of the discount |
discount_order | integer The order of the discount |
discount_description | string the description of the discount |
discount_active | boolean Whether the discount is active or not |
discount_value | string the value of the discount |
{- "discount_name": "Discount",
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- "discount_unit": "custom",
- "discount_order": 0,
- "discount_description": "A discount description",
- "discount_active": true,
- "discount_value": "30"
{- "discount_id": 123,
- "discount_name": "Discount",
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- "discountGroup_id": 116,
- "discount_created_at": "2018-12-20 11:00:00",
- "discount_updated_at": "2018-12-20 11:15:00"
Get Discount by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "discount_id": 123,
- "discount_name": "Discount",
- "discount_description": "A discount description",
- "discount_value": "string",
- "discount_unit": "custom",
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- "discount_created_at": "2018-12-20 11:00:00",
- "discount_updated_at": "2018-12-20 11:15:00"
Update Discount by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
discount_name | string the name of the discount |
discountGroup_id | integer The id of the discount group |
discount_unit | string the unit of the discount |
discount_order | integer The order of the discount |
discount_description | string the description of the discount |
discount_active | boolean Whether the discount is active or not |
discount_value | string the value of the discount |
{- "discount_name": "Discount",
- "discountGroup_id": 116,
- "discount_unit": "custom",
- "discount_order": 0,
- "discount_description": "A discount description",
- "discount_active": true,
- "discount_value": "30"
{- "discount_id": 123,
- "discount_name": "Discount",
- "discount_description": "A discount description",
- "discount_value": "string",
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- "discountGroup_id": 116,
- "discount_created_at": "2018-12-20 11:00:00",
- "discount_updated_at": "2018-12-20 11:15:00"
Create Discount Group
discountGroup_description | string the description of the discount group |
discountGroup_active | boolean Whether the discount group is active or not |
discountGroup_name | string the name of the discount group |
{- "discountGroup_description": "description example",
- "discountGroup_active": true,
- "discountGroup_name": "Sales"
{- "discountGroup_id": 74890,
- "discountGroup_name": "Barzahlung",
- "discountGroup_description": "just a description",
- "discountGroup_active": true
Get Discount Group
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "discountGroup_id": 74890,
- "discountGroup_name": "Barzahlung",
- "discountGroup_description": "just a description",
- "discountGroup_active": true
Update Discount Group
id required | integer ID to find |
discountGroup_description | string the description of the discount group |
discountGroup_active | boolean Whether the discount group is active or not |
discountGroup_name | string the name of the discount group |
{- "discountGroup_description": "description example",
- "discountGroup_active": true,
- "discountGroup_name": "Sales"
{- "discountGroup_id": 74890,
- "discountGroup_name": "Barzahlung",
- "discountGroup_description": "just a description",
- "discountGroup_active": true
Export Cashbook
dateFrom | string |
dateTo | string |
fileFormat | string |
{- "dateFrom": "2021-08-01",
- "dateTo": "2021-08-31",
- "fileFormat": "pdf|excel"
{- "jobStatus_id": 123,
- "jobStatus_status": "finished",
- "jobStatus_startedAt": "2019-08-02 08:08:13",
- "jobStatus_finishedAt": "2019-08-02 08:08:14"
Export Accountancy
format | string Use one of the possible export formats: bmd, bmd-ntcs, datev, sap, rzl |
year | integer Year for which the export should be generated (optional) |
month | integer Month for which the export should be generated (optional) |
day | integer Day for which the export should be generated (optional) |
exportCashbook | boolean Whether to include cashbook transactions in the export |
dataSource | string Type of data-aggregation to use. Possible value are: invoice, eachItem, dailyReport_productGroups, dailyReport_accountingCode |
financialYear | integer If format is datev the number of the financialYear has to be provided. See GET /accounting/financialYears |
from | string If format is datev the start date of the financialYear has to be provided. See GET /accounting/financialYears |
to | string If format is datev the end date of the financialYear has to be provided. See GET /accounting/financialYears |
{- "format": "datev",
- "year": 2019,
- "month": 1,
- "day": 31,
- "exportCashbook": true,
- "dataSource": "invoice",
- "financialYear": 2019,
- "from": "2019-01-01",
- "to": "2019-12-31"
{- "filename": "1234",
- "error": false
Export Cashbook
year | integer |
month | integer |
day | integer |
dateFrom | string |
dateTo | string |
{- "year": 2019,
- "month": 1,
- "day": 31,
- "dateFrom": "2021-08-01",
- "dateTo": "2021-08-31"
{- "filename": "1234",
- "error": false
Export Sales
month | integer |
year | integer |
filter | Array of any Filter your data |
{- "month": 1,
- "year": 2019,
- "filter": [
- null
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "msg": "success",
- "jobStatus_id": 123
Get Status By Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "jobStatus_id": 123,
- "jobStatus_status": "finished",
- "jobStatus_startedAt": "2019-08-02 08:08:13",
- "jobStatus_finishedAt": "2019-08-02 08:08:14"
Get all Orders
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
groupBy | string allowed values: table_id or product_id or both |
trainingsMode | string retrieve results for trainingsMode or liveMde |
table_id | integer table id |
product_id | integer product id |
{- "order_id": 123,
- "order_quantity": "string",
- "order_priceGross": "string",
- "order_priceNet": "string",
- "order_vat": "string",
- "order_discount_valueGross": "string",
- "order_discount_valueNet": "string",
- "order_vatRate": "string",
- "order_product_priceGrossPerUnit": "string",
- "order_product_priceNetPerUnit": "string",
- "order_discount_name": "discountA",
- "order_discountable": true,
- "order_mergeable": true,
- "order_retour": false,
- "order_number": 123,
- "order_group": 123,
- "order_product_name": "productA",
- "order_product_itemnumber": "123",
- "order_product_serialnumber": "1231234",
- "order_course": 1,
- "order_status": 1,
- "order_comment": "very long text",
- "table_id": 123456,
- "product_id": 123456,
- "user_id": 123456,
- "productgroup_type_id": 123456,
- "order_created_at": "2019-01-01"
Create a new Order
table_id | integer Table on which the orders are booked |
price_base | string 'gross' or 'net' |
training_mode | boolean Whether to place the order in training- or normal-mode |
Array of objects List of items |
{- "table_id": 1234,
- "price_base": "gross",
- "training_mode": false,
- "items": [
- {
- "item_quantity": "3.0",
- "item_price": "25.75",
- "item_vatRate": "20.0",
- "item_vatId": "no-example",
- "item_course": "1",
- "item_orderGroup": "1",
- "item_discountable": "true",
- "item_mergeable": "true",
- "product_id": "4321",
- "item_name": "Some custom product name",
- "item_comment": "1"
{- "order_id": 123,
- "order_quantity": "string",
- "order_priceGross": "string",
- "order_priceNet": "string",
- "order_vat": "string",
- "order_discount_valueGross": "string",
- "order_discount_valueNet": "string",
- "order_vatRate": "string",
- "order_product_priceGrossPerUnit": "string",
- "order_product_priceNetPerUnit": "string",
- "order_discount_name": "discountA",
- "order_discountable": true,
- "order_mergeable": true,
- "order_retour": false,
- "order_number": 123,
- "order_group": 123,
- "order_product_name": "productA",
- "order_product_itemnumber": "123",
- "order_product_serialnumber": "1231234",
- "order_course": 1,
- "order_status": 1,
- "order_comment": "very long text",
- "table_id": 123456,
- "product_id": 123456,
- "user_id": 123456,
- "productgroup_type_id": 123456,
- "order_created_at": "2019-01-01"
[- {
- "payment_id": 74890,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung",
- "payment_description": "just a description",
- "payment_accountingCode": "2700",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1
Create Payment Method
payment_description | string The description of the payment method |
payment_markAsPaid | boolean Mark payment method as paid |
paymentType_id | integer The payment type id of the payment method |
payment_name | string The name of the payment method |
{- "payment_description": "Paying in cash",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung"
{- "payment_id": 74890,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung",
- "payment_description": "just a description",
- "payment_accountingCode": "2700",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1
Get Payment Method by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "payment_id": 74890,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung",
- "payment_description": "just a description",
- "payment_accountingCode": "2700",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1
Update Payment Method
id required | integer ID to find |
payment_description | string The description of the payment method |
payment_markAsPaid | boolean Mark payment method as paid |
paymentType_id | integer The payment type id of the payment method |
payment_name | string The name of the payment method |
{- "payment_description": "Paying in cash",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung"
{- "payment_id": 74890,
- "payment_name": "Barzahlung",
- "payment_description": "just a description",
- "payment_accountingCode": "2700",
- "payment_markAsPaid": true,
- "paymentType_id": 1
[- {
- "printJob_id": 9999,
- "printer_id": 9999,
- "printJob_imageURL": "string",
- "printJob_printLogo": false,
- "printJob_createdAt": "string",
- "printJob_printedAt": "string",
- "printJob_content": "string"
Create a new Print Job
printJob_content | string |
printJob_imageURL | string |
printJob_printLogo | boolean |
printer_id | integer |
{- "printJob_content": "no-example",
- "printJob_imageURL": "no-example",
- "printJob_printLogo": false,
- "printer_id": 0
{- "printJob_id": 9999,
- "printer_id": 9999,
- "printJob_imageURL": "string",
- "printJob_printLogo": false,
- "printJob_createdAt": "string",
- "printJob_printedAt": "string",
- "printJob_content": "string"
Get all Print Logs
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "printLog_id": 9999,
- "printLog_printer": "string",
- "printLog_timestamp": "string",
- "printLog_content": "string"
[- {
- "printer_id": 123,
- "printer_name": "kitchen printer",
- "printer_description": "kitchen printer",
- "printer_deviceName": "EPSON-TM-T88V",
- "printer_model": "TM-T20II",
- "printer_manufacturer": "EPSON",
- "printer_ipAddress": "",
- "printer_characters": 42,
- "printer_doubleHeight": true,
- "printer_createdAt": "2019-01-01 11:11:11"
Get Printer by Id
id required | integer Printer ID to find |
{- "printer_id": 123,
- "printer_name": "kitchen printer",
- "printer_description": "kitchen printer",
- "printer_deviceName": "EPSON-TM-T88V",
- "printer_model": "TM-T20II",
- "printer_manufacturer": "EPSON",
- "printer_ipAddress": "",
- "printer_characters": 42,
- "printer_doubleHeight": true,
- "printer_createdAt": "2019-01-01 11:11:11"
Update Stock In Batch
Array of objects List of products |
{- "products": [
- {
- "product_stock": "string",
- "product_id": "string"
{- "updatedIds": {
- "id": 1
}, - "updatedItemNumbers": {
- "number": 1
Get all Products
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
productgroup_id | integer get all products for this productgroup_id |
itemNumber | string search for a product with the given product_itemNumber |
name | string search for a product with the given product_name |
barcode | string search for a product with the given product_barcode |
q | string search for a product by keywords |
includeProductGroup | boolean include product group information |
includeProductVariations | boolean include product variations information |
includeProductIngredients | boolean include product variations information |
[- {
- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_externalReference": "ref-1234",
- "product_itemnumber": "1",
- "product_barcode": "x400467508233",
- "product_name": "coca cola",
- "product_description": "coca cola - non-alcoholic drink",
- "product_price": "string",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_vat": "string",
- "product_customPrice": true,
- "product_customQuantity": true,
- "product_fav": true,
- "product_highlight": true,
- "product_expressMode": true,
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_ingredients_enabled": true,
- "product_variations_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "string",
- "product_stock_unit": "kg",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "product_soldOut": true,
- "product_sideDishOrder": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_accountingCode": "1000123",
- "product_colorClass": "bgGreenYellow",
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_type_id": 1,
- "product_type": "standard",
- "product_created_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_updated_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_alternativeNameOnReceipts": "xxx cola",
- "product_alternativeNameInPos": "yyy cola",
- "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_created_at": "string",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
}, - "productvariation": [
- {
- "variation_id": 1,
- "variation_name": "schnitzel with chips and mayo",
- "variation_price": "15.20",
- "variation_stock": "string"
], - "productingredient": [
- {
- "ingredient_id": 1,
- "ingredient_name": "pork meat",
- "ingredient_unit": "Kg",
- "ingredient_quantity": "string"
Create a new Product
productgroup_id | integer product group id |
product_name | string product name |
product_price | string product price |
product_vat | string VAT-Rate in decimals. Provide either product_vat or product_vat_id |
product_itemnumber | string item number |
product_externalReference | string externa reference |
product_barcode | string barcode |
product_description | string barcode |
product_priceIncludesVat | boolean does price include VAT |
product_active | boolean is product active |
product_discountable | boolean is product discountable |
product_stock_enabled | boolean is stock for product enabled |
product_stock_value | string product stock value |
product_stock_reorderLevel | string product stock reorder level |
product_stock_safetyStock | string product stock safety level |
product_stock_unit | string product stock unit |
product_sortIndex | integer product sort index |
product_type | string In case of adding new sidedishes or extras you need to provide the product_type. For example, if you're adding 'Fries' as a side you need to provide 'food'. |
product_vat_id | integer ID which belongs to vat codes. Provide either product_vat or product_vat_id |
object | |
object |
{- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Coca cola",
- "product_price": "124.25",
- "product_vat": "10.5",
- "product_itemnumber": "x-123",
- "product_externalReference": "xxx-123",
- "product_barcode": "12345678",
- "product_description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_active": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "10.5",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "2.5",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "5.1",
- "product_stock_unit": "Kg",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "product_type": "food, drink or default",
- "product_vat_id": 1234,
- "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 0
}, - "product_base": {
- "product_id": "1002"
{- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_externalReference": "ref-1234",
- "product_itemnumber": "1",
- "product_barcode": "x400467508233",
- "product_name": "coca cola",
- "product_description": "coca cola - non-alcoholic drink",
- "product_price": "string",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_vat": "string",
- "product_customPrice": true,
- "product_customQuantity": true,
- "product_fav": true,
- "product_highlight": true,
- "product_expressMode": true,
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_ingredients_enabled": true,
- "product_variations_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "string",
- "product_stock_unit": "kg",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "product_soldOut": true,
- "product_sideDishOrder": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_accountingCode": "1000123",
- "product_colorClass": "bgGreenYellow",
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_type_id": 1,
- "product_type": "standard",
- "product_created_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_updated_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_alternativeNameOnReceipts": "xxx cola",
- "product_alternativeNameInPos": "yyy cola",
- "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_created_at": "string",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
}, - "productvariation": [
- {
- "variation_id": 1,
- "variation_name": "schnitzel with chips and mayo",
- "variation_price": "15.20",
- "variation_stock": "string"
], - "productingredient": [
- {
- "ingredient_id": 1,
- "ingredient_name": "pork meat",
- "ingredient_unit": "Kg",
- "ingredient_quantity": "string"
Get Product by Id
id required | integer Product ID to find |
includeProductGroup | boolean include product group information |
includeProductVariations | boolean include product variations information |
includeProductIngredients | boolean include product variations information |
{- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_externalReference": "ref-1234",
- "product_itemnumber": "1",
- "product_barcode": "x400467508233",
- "product_name": "coca cola",
- "product_description": "coca cola - non-alcoholic drink",
- "product_price": "string",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_vat": "string",
- "product_customPrice": true,
- "product_customQuantity": true,
- "product_fav": true,
- "product_highlight": true,
- "product_expressMode": true,
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_ingredients_enabled": true,
- "product_variations_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "string",
- "product_stock_unit": "kg",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "product_soldOut": true,
- "product_sideDishOrder": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_accountingCode": "1000123",
- "product_colorClass": "bgGreenYellow",
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_type_id": 1,
- "product_type": "standard",
- "product_created_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_updated_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_alternativeNameOnReceipts": "xxx cola",
- "product_alternativeNameInPos": "yyy cola",
- "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_created_at": "string",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
}, - "productvariation": [
- {
- "variation_id": 1,
- "variation_name": "schnitzel with chips and mayo",
- "variation_price": "15.20",
- "variation_stock": "string"
], - "productingredient": [
- {
- "ingredient_id": 1,
- "ingredient_name": "pork meat",
- "ingredient_unit": "Kg",
- "ingredient_quantity": "string"
Update Product by Id
id required | integer product id |
product_name | string product name |
product_itemnumber | string item number |
product_externalReference | string externa reference |
product_barcode | string barcode |
product_description | string barcode |
product_price | string product price |
product_priceIncludesVat | boolean does price include VAT |
product_active | boolean is product active |
product_discountable | boolean is product discountable |
product_vat | string VAT-Rate in decimals. Provide either product_vat or product_vat_id |
product_stock_enabled | boolean is stock for product enabled |
product_stock_value | string product stock value |
product_stock_reorderLevel | string product stock reorder level |
product_stock_safetyStock | string product stock safety level |
product_stock_unit | string product stock unit |
product_sortIndex | integer product sort index |
productgroup_id | integer product group id |
product_type | string In case of adding new sidedishes or extras you need to provide the product_type. For example, if you're adding 'Fries' as a side you need to provide 'food'. |
product_vat_id | integer ID which belongs to vat codes. Provide either product_vat or product_vat_id |
object | |
object |
{- "product_name": "Coca cola",
- "product_itemnumber": "x-123",
- "product_externalReference": "xxx-123",
- "product_barcode": "12345678",
- "product_description": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "product_price": "124.25",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_active": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_vat": "10.5",
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "10.5",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "2.5",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "5.1",
- "product_stock_unit": "Kg",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_type": "food, drink or default",
- "product_vat_id": 1234,
- "product_base": {
- "product_id": "1002"
}, - "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 0
{- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_externalReference": "ref-1234",
- "product_itemnumber": "1",
- "product_barcode": "x400467508233",
- "product_name": "coca cola",
- "product_description": "coca cola - non-alcoholic drink",
- "product_price": "string",
- "product_priceIncludesVat": false,
- "product_vat": "string",
- "product_customPrice": true,
- "product_customQuantity": true,
- "product_fav": true,
- "product_highlight": true,
- "product_expressMode": true,
- "product_stock_enabled": true,
- "product_ingredients_enabled": true,
- "product_variations_enabled": true,
- "product_stock_value": "string",
- "product_stock_unit": "kg",
- "product_stock_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_stock_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_sortIndex": 5,
- "product_soldOut": true,
- "product_sideDishOrder": true,
- "product_discountable": true,
- "product_accountingCode": "1000123",
- "product_colorClass": "bgGreenYellow",
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "product_type_id": 1,
- "product_type": "standard",
- "product_created_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_updated_at": "2019-01-01 11:11:11",
- "product_alternativeNameOnReceipts": "xxx cola",
- "product_alternativeNameInPos": "yyy cola",
- "productgroup": {
- "productgroup_id": 1,
- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_created_at": "string",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
}, - "productvariation": [
- {
- "variation_id": 1,
- "variation_name": "schnitzel with chips and mayo",
- "variation_price": "15.20",
- "variation_stock": "string"
], - "productingredient": [
- {
- "ingredient_id": 1,
- "ingredient_name": "pork meat",
- "ingredient_unit": "Kg",
- "ingredient_quantity": "string"
Update Stock
id required | integer Product ID |
product_stock | string |
product_reorderLevel | string |
product_safetyStock | string |
product_stockDelta | string |
{- "product_stock": "string",
- "product_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_stockDelta": "string"
{- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_stock": "string",
- "product_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_unit": "piece"
Get Stock By Item Number
itemNumber required | string Product item number |
{- "product_id": 1234,
- "product_stock": "string",
- "product_reorderLevel": "string",
- "product_safetyStock": "string",
- "product_unit": "piece"
Get All Customer Category Product Prices
id required | integer ID to find |
[- {
- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1
Add Customer Category Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
price_value | string |
customerCategory_id | integer |
{- "price_value": "string",
- "customerCategory_id": 9999
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1
Get Customer Category Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerCategoryId required | integer Customer category ID to find |
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1
Update Customer Category Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerCategoryId required | integer customer category id |
price_value | string |
{- "price_value": "string"
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customerCategory_id": 1
Delete Customer Category Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerCategoryId required | integer Customer category ID to find |
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "msg": "Product price was deleted successfully."
Get All Customer Product Prices
id required | integer ID to find |
[- {
- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1
Add Customer Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
price_value | string |
customer_id | integer |
{- "price_value": "string",
- "customer_id": 9999
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1
Get Customer Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerId required | integer Customer category ID to find |
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1
Update Customer Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerId required | integer customer id |
price_value | string |
{- "price_value": "string"
{- "price_id": 1234,
- "price_value": "string",
- "price_valueGross": "string",
- "price_valueNet": "string",
- "price_timestamp": "1234",
- "product_id": 1234,
- "customer_id": 1
Delete Customer Product Price
id required | integer ID to find |
customerId required | integer Customer category ID to find |
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "msg": "Product price was deleted successfully."
Get all Product Groups
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "productgroup_id": 83012,
- "productgroup_name": "Favorites",
- "productgroup_description": "Just a description",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "fav",
- "productgroup_active": true,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": -1,
- "productgroup_created_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_type_id": 2
Create a new Product Group
productgroup_name | string |
productgroup_description | string |
productgroup_shortcut | string |
productgroup_active | boolean |
productgroup_parent | integer |
productgroup_sortIndex | integer |
productgroup_accountingCode | string |
productgroup_accountingCodeName | string |
productgroup_accountingCodeVatRate | string |
productgroup_type_id | integer |
{- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_parent": 9999,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_accountingCode": "string",
- "productgroup_accountingCodeName": "string",
- "productgroup_accountingCodeVatRate": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
{- "productgroup_id": 83012,
- "productgroup_name": "Favorites",
- "productgroup_description": "Just a description",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "fav",
- "productgroup_active": true,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": -1,
- "productgroup_created_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_type_id": 2
Get Product Group by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "productgroup_id": 83012,
- "productgroup_name": "Favorites",
- "productgroup_description": "Just a description",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "fav",
- "productgroup_active": true,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": -1,
- "productgroup_created_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_type_id": 2
Update Product Group by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
productgroup_name | string |
productgroup_description | string |
productgroup_shortcut | string |
productgroup_active | boolean |
productgroup_parent | integer |
productgroup_sortIndex | integer |
productgroup_accountingCode | string |
productgroup_accountingCodeName | string |
productgroup_accountingCodeVatRate | string |
productgroup_type_id | integer |
{- "productgroup_name": "string",
- "productgroup_description": "string",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "string",
- "productgroup_active": false,
- "productgroup_parent": 9999,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": 9999,
- "productgroup_accountingCode": "string",
- "productgroup_accountingCodeName": "string",
- "productgroup_accountingCodeVatRate": "string",
- "productgroup_type_id": 9999
{- "productgroup_id": 83012,
- "productgroup_name": "Favorites",
- "productgroup_description": "Just a description",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "fav",
- "productgroup_active": true,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": -1,
- "productgroup_created_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_type_id": 2
Find With Products By Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "productgroup_id": 83012,
- "productgroup_name": "Favorites",
- "productgroup_description": "Just a description",
- "productgroup_shortcut": "fav",
- "productgroup_active": true,
- "productgroup_sortIndex": -1,
- "productgroup_created_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_updated_at": "2019-07-29 08:26:18",
- "productgroup_type_id": 2
Set Account Password
password | string account first password |
{- "password": "qwerty"
{- "admin": "string",
- "pos": "string",
- "company_id": 9999,
- "c_uuid": "string"
Set Seeding Data
company_branch | integer company branch id |
country_code | string country id |
password | string account first password |
{- "company_branch": 2,
- "country_code": "1",
- "password": "qwerty"
{- "admin": "string",
- "pos": "string",
- "company_id": 9999,
- "c_uuid": "string"
Create Account No Seeding Salesforce
company_email | string company email |
company_phone | string phone number |
company_sendNewsletter | boolean Opt in for Newsletter |
company_whatsAppOptin | boolean Client's decision to be contacted via whatsapp |
referrer | string Referrer query param |
utm_campaign | string utm campain |
utm_medium | string utm medium |
utm_source | string utm source |
company_firebaseTrackingId | string firebase tracking id |
company_createdBySource | string create by source |
company_username | string account name used instead of generated from email |
company_trackingId | string Tracking id (uuid v4) for external services, like |
company_salesforceId | string salesforce id |
object |
{- "company_phone": "+43 123 456 789",
- "company_sendNewsletter": true,
- "company_whatsAppOptin": true,
- "referrer": "r2o-blog-banner",
- "utm_campaign": "DE-UAC Android",
- "utm_medium": "cpc",
- "utm_source": "google",
- "company_firebaseTrackingId": "F27D7214-EF60-41C5-AE4C-AF3B4CBC50F3",
- "company_createdBySource": "app_signup_electron or app_signup_android etc",
- "company_username": "Midoriya",
- "company_trackingId": "11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000",
- "company_salesforceId": "1234abc1234",
- "marketingCookies": {
- "_fbc": "string",
- "_fbp": "string",
- "fbclid": "string",
- "_ga": "string",
- "gclid": "string"
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "token": "1234567asdfghj",
- "issuedAt": "2019-01-01 12:12:12",
- "company": [
- {
- "company_username": "abc",
- "company_uid": "abc123",
- "company_id": 123,
- "company_uuid": "1234-1234-1234-1234"
Get all Stornos
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "storno_id": 1234,
- "storno_name": "cancellation",
- "storno_description": "storno reason 1234",
- "storno_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:00:00"
Create a new Storno
storno_name | string storno name |
storno_description | string storno description |
{- "storno_name": "cancellation",
- "storno_description": "storno reason 1234"
{- "storno_id": 1234,
- "storno_name": "cancellation",
- "storno_description": "storno reason 1234",
- "storno_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:00:00"
Get all Tables
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "1234",
- "table_description": "1234",
- "table_isTemporay": true,
- "table_order": 1,
- "table_checkoutMode": false,
- "tableArea_id": 1,
- "table_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12",
- "table_updated_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12"
Create a new Table
table_name | string |
table_isTemporay | boolean |
table_checkoutMode | boolean |
table_order | integer |
table_description | string |
tableArea_id | integer |
{- "table_name": "1234",
- "table_isTemporay": true,
- "table_checkoutMode": false,
- "table_order": 1,
- "table_description": "1234",
- "tableArea_id": 1
{- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "1234",
- "table_description": "1234",
- "table_isTemporay": true,
- "table_order": 1,
- "table_checkoutMode": false,
- "tableArea_id": 1,
- "table_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12",
- "table_updated_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12"
Get Table by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "1234",
- "table_description": "1234",
- "table_isTemporay": true,
- "table_order": 1,
- "table_checkoutMode": false,
- "tableArea_id": 1,
- "table_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12",
- "table_updated_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12"
Update Table by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "table_id": 1234,
- "table_name": "1234",
- "table_description": "1234",
- "table_isTemporay": true,
- "table_order": 1,
- "table_checkoutMode": false,
- "tableArea_id": 1,
- "table_created_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12",
- "table_updated_at": "2019-01-01 12:12:12"
Get all Table Areas
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "tableArea_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": 1,
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true,
- "tableArea_intelligentFavourites": 1
Create a new Table Area
tableArea_name | string table name |
tableArea_shortName | string table area short name |
tableArea_order | string table area order number (sorting) |
tableArea_allowTemporaryTables | boolean allow temporary tables |
tableArea_active | boolean table is active |
{- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": "1",
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true
{- "tableArea_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": 1,
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true,
- "tableArea_intelligentFavourites": 1
Get Table Area by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
{- "tableArea_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": 1,
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true,
- "tableArea_intelligentFavourites": 1
Update Table Area by Id
id required | integer ID to find |
tableArea_name | string table name |
tableArea_shortName | string table area short name |
tableArea_order | string table area order number (sorting) |
tableArea_allowTemporaryTables | boolean allow temporary tables |
tableArea_active | boolean table is active |
{- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": "1",
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true
{- "tableArea_id": 1234,
- "tableArea_name": "innen 1",
- "tableArea_shortName": "IN-1",
- "tableArea_order": 1,
- "tableArea_allowTemporaryTables": true,
- "tableArea_active": true,
- "tableArea_intelligentFavourites": 1
Get all Users
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
[- {
- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_printAccess": 1234,
- "user_printer": 15,
- "user_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_lastLoginAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "right_id": 1234,
- "loginLog": {
- "loginLog_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "loginLog_userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6)"
Create a new User
user_username | string |
user_password | string |
user_firstName | string |
user_lastName | string |
user_trainingsMode | boolean |
user_printer | integer |
user_printAccess | integer |
right_id | integer |
{- "user_password": "StrongPassword123!",
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "user_printer": 123,
- "user_printAccess": 2457,
- "right_id": 1234
{- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_printAccess": 1234,
- "user_printer": 15,
- "user_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_lastLoginAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "right_id": 1234
Get User by Id
id required | integer User ID to find |
{- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_printAccess": 1234,
- "user_printer": 15,
- "user_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_lastLoginAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "right_id": 1234
Update User by Id
id required | integer User ID to update |
user_username | string |
user_password | string |
user_firstName | string |
user_lastName | string |
user_trainingsMode | boolean |
user_printer | integer |
user_printAccess | integer |
right_id | integer |
{- "user_password": "StrongPassword123!",
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "user_printer": 123,
- "user_printAccess": 2457,
- "right_id": 1234
{- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_printAccess": 1234,
- "user_printer": 15,
- "user_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_lastLoginAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "right_id": 1234
Update Password By Id
id required | integer User ID to update password |
user_password | string |
{- "user_password": "StrongPassword123!"
{- "user_id": 1234,
- "user_firstName": "Christoph",
- "user_lastName": "Müller",
- "user_printAccess": 1234,
- "user_printer": 15,
- "user_lastActionAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_lastLoginAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "user_trainingsMode": true,
- "right_id": 1234
Set Printer Access Code
id required | integer User ID |
printAccess_id | integer Printer Access ID |
{- "printAccess_id": 2375
{- "error": false,
- "success": true,
- "msg": "Printer access set"
Get Sign In Token
id required | integer User ID to generate token |
expiresIn | integer Life-time of token (seconds) |
crmUserId | string |
{- "crmUserId": "string"
{- "error": false,
- "issuedAt": "2018-11-05 01:23:45",
- "expiresAt": "2018-11-05 01:24:45",
Get all User Rights
page | integer Page you want to display |
limit | integer Items per page |
{- "userRight_name": "string",
- "userRight_description": "string",
- "userRight_allowGastroTransferOrders": false,
- "userRight_allowGastroCancellation": false,
- "userRight_allowGastroCancellationWithoutReceiptPrinting": false,
- "userRight_allowCancellationInvoice": 9999,
- "userRight_allowOrderRetourMode": false,
- "userRight_allowGastroOrder": "string",
- "userRight_allowGastroPayment": "string",
- "userRight_showOwnOrdersOnly": false,
- "userRight_allowOpenDay": false,
- "userRight_allowCloseDay": false,
- "userRight_allowSalesReport": false,
- "userRight_allowSalesReportOwnOnly": false,
- "userRight_allowSalesDailyReports": false,
- "userRight_allowProductPage": false,
- "userRight_allowOrderStop": false,
- "userRight_allowProductSoldOut": false,
- "userRight_allowProductFavorite": false,
- "userRight_allowProductAddSideDish": false,
- "userRight_showProductStock": false,
- "userRight_allowPrintProductStock": false,
- "userRight_allowInvoicePage": false,
- "userRight_invoicePageShowOwnInvoicesOnly": false,
- "userRight_allowCashBook": false,
- "userRight_allowCashBookInsert": false,
- "userRight_allowCashBookPdfExport": false,
- "userRight_showCashBookBalance": false,
- "userRight_allowBackendLogin": false,
- "userRight_allowPrinterPage": false,
- "userRight_allowPrinterDiscovery": false,
- "userRight_allowLogoutAllUsers": false,
- "userRight_allowOpenShiftAgain": false,
- "userRight_allowProductDiscount": false,
- "userRight_allowSelectedProductPriceChange": false
Update Webhook Event
addEvent | string |
removeEvent | string |
{- "addEvent": "string",
- "removeEvent": "string"
{- "error": true,
- "success": false,
- "msg": "Your now receiving webhooks for the event <name>"